
I think it’s about time I started to brand my work with a logo!

I have been working on this for a while,  I’m a bit of a perfectionist and somewhat indecisive about my work so this has took way longer than I hoped!

I researched creative logos and created all sorts in different fonts in variations of size and shape etc but after a quick question of which logo to choose which I sent out on snapchat (how convenient!) I now have my logo!



Development of a Motif

I decided I wanted to get in the print room to get some designs where I could explore colour and techniques, so I thought I would manipulate my embroidery sample.

I traced around the outside of the stitches to create some basic shapes, which when displayed together have a nice flow to them. I put this motif on a kodatrace trace is two ways; I blocked in all the shapes with acyclic on one and the other I only traced the outlines, but with variations in thickness…



Then I started to print! 



And here are some examples of the results….


Experimenting with paler colours on a darker background.


Layering the screens with different colours and gold foil.


Personally I think this is the most successful outcome!


A more experimental sheet which is the most interesting and works well while styled next to the dyed fabric and embroidery sample.  Maybes I should try more work in this free style?!


Haven’t had a chance to update this week so it’s all coming at once!

So, I eventually I finished my hand embroidery and embellishment sample! I think it has worked well as it is unique in terms of shape and the variation of colours keep it current and bright! 

I plan to use this motif again but in a different way! This will come along after some more development… 
